

Calling all artists: We are currently accepting entries for our 5th Annual 海洋科学艺术比赛! 我们的团队有200多名海洋科学家, 工程师, and 学生 make amazing discoveries every day and we need your help to share them. 这是一个很好的机会来扩大KU体育投资组合, learn about the ocean and use your work to educate the community about the importance of marine science.

This year’s awards include a VIP meet and greet with our researchers, 幕后之旅, 以及其他大奖. The phrase “Ocean Science for a Better World®” motivates us every day, now we can’t wait to see how it will inspire your next masterpiece!





我们鼓励艺术家利用我们的优势 虚拟资源 where you can find educational videos, lectures, and even take a virtual tour.

您也可以注册接收我们的 数字“洋流”通讯、视图 来自FAU港口分部的突发新闻,跟我们走吧 脸谱网.





  • 照片识别研究小组利用海豚独特的背鳍作为“指纹”,调查并识别了印度河泻湖中的海豚.他们的数据库包括近2个,000人, and they have gained valuable information about the population’s distribution, 生态, 以及社会结构. 研究人员还使用照片识别来研究海牛, 它们的运动模式, 以及人类活动对它们的影响.
  • The Population Biology and Behavioral Ecology research group investigates the evolution of top predators, 从加勒比海到北极, 甚至可以利用古代DNA回到过去! 他们的发现可以引导对海洋哺乳动物的有效管理和保护它们的栖息地.
  • 作为国家海洋渔业搁浅网络的一员, our 海洋哺乳动物 Rescue team is on call year-round to respond when animals need help. 在过去十年中, 他们的努力已经拯救了佛罗里达州中部东海岸的300多只海豚和鲸鱼.
  • 流行病学, 人口健康, and Pathology researchers focus on the connection among marine mammals, 人类, 环境健康. 这项开创性的研究表明,海豚可以为人类和印度河泻湖生态系统中的疾病和污染物提供早期预警.
  • 海洋野生动物兽医与救援和流行病学小组密切合作,为生病或受伤的动物提供医疗护理. Clinical research is also conducted to provide information on the health of local populations.




  • 印度河泻湖有超过4只,000种动植物, making it one of the most biologically diverse estuaries in North America! This shallow waterway spans 156 miles along the Florida east coast and encompasses many unique habitats. 不幸的是, 城市化等人类活动, 污染, 过量的淡水释放已经影响了泻湖. 这导致了广泛的环境问题, 包括有害的藻华, 水质差, 栖息地的丧失. FAU海港分校位于泻湖沿岸,我们一半以上的研究都集中在这个重要的生态系统上.
  • 收集泻湖的实时水质数据, our researchers established the 印度河环礁湖天文台 Network, an array of 10 monitoring stations that span from Stuart to Sebastian. 他们收集的数据可以被科学家和公众用来更好地了解泻湖的健康状况,并为有效的管理政策提供信息.
  • 研究ers also study the marine 植物 和藻类 that live along our coast. Seagrasses are important habitats that serve as nursery areas for many fish and invertebrate species. 科学家绘制海草床,以了解更多关于它们如何随时间变化的信息,甚至可以在水产养殖系统中种植海草,以恢复整个泻湖受损的床. 研究人员也研究藻类, 或“海藻,” and can use stable nitrogen isotopes found in their tissue to “fingerprint” sources of 污染. 浮游植物研究人员使用从显微镜到卫星图像的尖端技术来研究沿海动态,并了解更多关于有害藻华的信息.
  • 我们的地球化学研究人员开发自主传感技术,以更好地了解元素如何在整个生态系统中循环,并设计出恢复受影响地区的方法.
  • Fisheries Ecology and Conservation researchers seek to understand the life histories of important shark, 鳐鱼和硬骨鱼, 以及它们用来繁殖的栖息地, 喂养和托儿所. 他们使用创新的遥测跟踪工具, 声学, and even DNA barcoding to follow these animals and learn more about them.
  • 珊瑚礁是海洋的热带雨林,拥有丰富的生物多样性,为无数其他生物提供了家园. The Coral Reef and Molecular Ecology team aim to identify coral reef resources, as well as links between environmental conditions and coral health. 他们还在开发分子工具,可以用来监测压力和患病的珊瑚,并提供管理策略,从而导致保护. 研究人员潜水, use remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and even submersibles to discover, 探索, 并研究全球的珊瑚礁栖息地. One of our first discoveries was an Oculina coral reef located just off the coast of Fort Pierce. 这是我们研究人员努力的直接结果, 这是世界上第一个深水海洋保护区!



海洋生物医学和生物技术部门的研究人员寻求从海洋中发现新的药物,以便我们能够治疗人类感染和疾病, 比如胰腺癌.

  • For centuries, 人类 have looked to nature to develop cures for diseases. 今天, nearly 70% of the medicines that we use are derived from natural products, which are small organic compounds that are produced by microbes, 植物, 和无脊椎动物. 因为海洋覆盖了地球的三分之二以上, 它们是生物多样性的丰富来源,拥有丰富的化学物质,可以作为潜在的药物进行探索.
  • 找到这些化合物, our researchers focus primarily on benthic organisms like sponges, 软珊瑚, 海鞘, 和藻类. 因为这些生物是永久附着在海底的, they produce potent organic molecules that are used to defend against predators, 争夺资源, 并且彼此交流. 海海绵是海洋天然产物最丰富的来源,在过去十年中每年产生约200种新化合物. This research group utilizes an extensive collection of nearly 32,000个生物体来寻找新的药物.
  • 因为海绵是滤食性动物, they accumulate microscopic organisms that can serve as a potential resource for antibiotics. 我们的微生物研究人员培养, 或成长, 细菌, 和真菌来确定它们对人类健康的影响. The FAU 港分公司 Microbial Collection contains more than 19,000 microorganisms and has led to the discovery of many new species and natural products. 研究人员还可以通过一种被称为发酵的过程来培养微生物,以保持它们产生的天然产物的持续供应.
  • Chemists in this department seek to extract these chemicals from the producing organism, 揭示它们复杂的结构, 制备用于生物学评价的化合物. 到目前为止, 他们的藏品超过7件,500 enriched fractions and 150 pure compounds with potential use in the drug program. Scientists also seek to synthesize and optimize these compounds in the laboratory.
  • 然后,我们细胞生物学小组的研究人员可以测试这些化学物质,以确定它们对各种疾病的有效性. 他们还可以确定这些化学物质在我们体内起作用的途径,以及潜在治疗有效所需的浓度. Our scientists work primarily on cancer, which affects over 14 million people each year. Finding new ways to detect these diseases and selectively target cancer cells are urgently needed.



FAU 港分公司 Engineers develop new technology to 探索 and learn more about the ocean. 他们还制造仪器,让我们的科学家可以收集数据,帮助解决现实世界的问题,比如寻找清洁和可再生能源.

  • 海洋研究所港湾分所 was founded upon deep-sea exploration. 1971年,老苏厄德·约翰逊. 埃德温·林克创造了约翰逊海联潜水器, 载人车辆(hov), 它们被用来探测最深达3的深度,000 ft. 这些机器是研究所遗产中不可思议的一部分,因为它们让科学家们发现了世界各地的新动物和栖息地! Their unique collection capabilities allowed researchers to take samples from the ocean floor, 其中许多至今仍在使用. 到他们退休的时候, in 2010, 潜艇已经进行了近9次航行,000 dives and were even featured in documentaries that aired on the Discovery Channel, 英国广播公司, 和PBS.
  • 今天, researchers use Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) to 探索 ocean depths of up to 15,000 ft. Through our partnership with NOAA, we participate in research cruises around the world! 新技术使海洋探险者能够从ROV视频摄像机向我们的探索指挥中心进行直播, 在哪里它们可以被科学家观看和分析.
  • 我们的工程师也用机器人来研究海洋. 通过部署自主水下航行器(auv), we can survey large areas of the ocean for months at a time and collect biological, 生理, 化学数据.
  • 研究人员使用创新技术跟踪和模拟世界各地的洋流,以更好地了解环境过程和生态系统的连通性.
  • 研究ers also seek to understand ocean optics or ways that light moves through seawater. The research is important for communicating underwater with lasers, 优化成像系统的性能, 预测水下能见度, 评估海洋生态系统中可用的光, 建立遥感网络.



水产养殖 is the farming of aquatic 植物 and animals for food or stock enhancement. 今天 over 50% of the seafood we consume comes from aquaculture. 这些做法大大减少了对海洋环境的压力,比商业渔业更具可持续性.

  • 研究ers seek to increase the supply of nutritious and safe seafood and improve production efficiency. Scientists also develop new animal feeds and study the health of the organisms cultured.
  • 我们30英亩的水产养殖园区用于种植多种可食用的淡水和咸水物种,包括pompano, 红鼓鱼, 蛤, 虾, 海参, 海胆, 海马齿苋, 海芦笋, 还有海莴苣.
  • 研究人员还种植植物和动物,这些植物和动物可以被释放到环境中,以重建被过度捕捞或受人类活动影响的种群. Current stock enhancement projects focus on mangroves, queen conch, 红鼓鱼, and bonefish.
  • We also share our research findings with the next generation and farmers around Florida. 我们的目标是创造一支熟练的劳动力队伍,并加强向私营部门转让技术.



